How To Use This Course - a few details about how the course is broken down and how the process works.

Welcome To Time Management For Teachers

I am extremely excited to deliver Time Management For Teachers to you. Enrolling online means you can dive into the course whenever it suits you. Learn how to tame time, get organised and increase your productivity in the comfort of your own home, at work or indeed anywhere with a decent internet connection.

The course is divided into 9 primary sections:

  1. Introduction - Just a basic introduction to get you started.
  2. The Concept Of Time - Considering some fundamentals of time that are too often overlooked.
  3. A Perspective On Time - Introducing a simple diagnostic tool to help you understand how you are using time at any moment.
  4. Prioritising - Focusing on how and why we usually fail to prioritise effectively and what to do about it.
  5. Work That Slows You Down - why some tasks stop you in your tracks and how to get past these obstacles.
  6. Strategies To Speed You Up - methods of working that allow you to get more done in less time. Cool.
  7. Keeping On Top Of It - Ensuring that you won't burn out.
  8. Time Flies - Bringing it all together and Iain's Top 5 Books on Time Management
  9. Next Steps - Where do you go from here?

While taking the class:

  • Every lecture is on the left-hand sidebar, and is grouped based on the topic
  • When a lecture ends, you'll automatically move to the next lecture. If you want to end a lecture early, click "complete"
  • The slides of each lecture, along with relevant links, are below the videos - just scroll down
  • If you want to change the autoplay & autocomplete settings, or increase the speed of the video, click the gear icon in the top left hand corner

Ready to go? Click "complete and continue" in the top right-hand corner.

Complete and Continue